

Praise for an Acute and Fierce Concentration

The habits and mental habits and mental constructs of one grown man should be so far superior to the ones of the young adult and teenager and child, that they should repel all possible affects from the external world, and build with them a mental bubble so strong, like an iron dome, that only Efficiency lives in it and only Productive Work and Streams of Rational Creation follows from the Energy Within and all else is banned for the moment as non-needed activities and the focus and concentration is natural and painless and almost subconscious on the Tasks at hand, the Tasks under the eyes and heart and inside the Mind of the man, who knows better and knows where and how to focus and has forgotten the Time when all winds of the Mind were blowing in all directions like a diseased child suffering from ADHD where dirt and romance and war and softness all mingled inside the same activities and music confused images and all senses fired randomly and there was no silence, no calm Within It and we just wished for some Peace and it wasn't all that bad at all as we were used to it, but The Man, all grown up and with an Acute and Fierce Concentration, like a laser that does Not _deviate_ and does not chime in with the qualms mercilessly brought by Life and The Noise of it with all its Stuff and annoyance of basic things continuously surrounding us and The Shapes and Forms of Things non-stoppingly repeating their insistence as if we needed a different Conductor but ours is already pretty good actually, we just don't remind ourselves of it, and That Man is us really, it's just that we like to digress, to be honest with ourselves. 
This isn't a praise but a game with ourselves.

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