

Flow, Path, Work, Fear and Stress, Side Ways, Openings

I am a sick victim of Extreme Selfishness in the process of acquiring any sort of external input. One tells me information and I immediately judge it towards its relevance to a small set of personal factors. "Do I even like this?" is the first filter I apply, and the level of exigence to anything crossing my senses has always been so high it is a surprise I was even able to be part of society. This is my drama. At some point in childhood, I must have had a sense of urgency, awareness of life threatened, enough to lower the bar enough. How can I read a book that is..

Nakamura and Csíkszentmihályi identify the following six factors as encompassing an experience of flow.
  1. intense and focused concentration on the present moment
  2. merging of action and awareness
  3. a loss of reflective self-consciousness
  4. a sense of personal control or agency over the situation or activity
  5. a distortion of temporal experience, one's subjective experience of time is altered
  6. experience of the activity as intrinsically rewarding, also referred to as autotelic experience
Those aspects can appear independently of each other, but only in combination do they constitute a so-called flow experience.

Skill here is really the capacity to open the faucet of the mental machine, not the pre-existingability to complete a task, but rather the preparatory disposition to deliver intelligence. 

What I LOVE in a flow: the absence of bullshit and the absence of anxiety, worry, apathy.

We forget: the important is the path, not the goal: in how we got to a state, by going through a way/channel/behavior that doesn't look like the goal: we take off/transform part of reality. I need a light imaginary world before doing anything. Some forget superstructures. Manipulating the goal-objects immediately, "à froid", is a resistance.


 It's forced work, in a relaxed state, that shapes the grounds, the mental walls, of what is needed to advance. An absence of distraction. It reminds me of special Sunday afternoons (it is Sunday) where school work was advancing positively. A shade of control and controlled neutrality and focus.


Fear and Stress.

They deserve eulogies and constant resuscitations.

  • My best teachers were disciplinarian
  • I believe in smart authoritarianism
  • Humans are lazy
  • I feel best when concentrated and heavily mentally occupied
  • Happiness comes after but through concentration
A truth hidden from all self-help medicine. The need for the right balance of protected non-anxiogenic stress and fear.
  • there is such a thing as the right balance, the perfect medium
Translations of Swedish word "frisk": fresh, sweet, healthy, sound, snappy, lively, well, good, strong, lusty, whole, hale, smacking. Stark: strong. Kall: cold.

Frisk och Stark.


I think in side ways, hence need more work than others to get something complete. I'm not good at focusing clearly.


The structure by which a word that is put down brings back and up its vivid lives.

The poet. The writer. The something. As spoke Alain.

The immanent emptiness of country life.

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