

Observations on reading and free doom / freed homes / free dom / freed Om

When I read, unless I am in perfect harmony with the text, which doesn't happen often, or if the content is a fiction describing an intense active moment, then my mind often wanders away, and it sparks other points, and I follow those sparks like an innocent small child following anything shiny and promising, and that is not only natural but a good thing, as the benefits of a mature control would clearly counter the energetic dynamism of young freedom/free youth. That however would be different would I be a professional reader e.g. a proper philosopher or philologist.
By following my wandering mind, various activities can follow, which makes their origin lost, and my activities seem random.

We live our lives in Orders, frameworks of orderly arrangements of tasks and responsibilities and structure, that invade us and obscure the actual limitations they impose on us. However, Order is not the opposite of freedom: captivity, dependence, liability are true antonyms, however, Order has the sneaky effect of hiding them under a veil of apparent perfection. One could describe the world history since the beginning of industrial times as the adventure towards the right kind of Order - first social, then (in the last decades) also moral and personal - that would keep the benefits of both clarity and manageability while retaining capacities of freedom and equality. Most modern wars and social issues can be seen through this filter:
 - current issues with Islam, Soviet failures, unemployments,...etc down to the personal wars of all modern humans to accustom themselves to the rat race, are due to capitalism and globalisation being the Simple Order of Money, hiding the atrociously inhumane consequences that have created atrocities of all scales
 - hidden issues from a hidden war that we haven't even fought yet: the architecture and contemporary design, the Order of Efficiency, hiding any sort of decoration and differences and poetry, having created a tyrannic self-perpetuating machine producing the industrial factories that we call cities
 - hidden issues from another hidden war: the Undefined Order of Free Choice: the fact that we have created absurd amounts of offerings and personal choice, creating the fantastic nervousness we don't even see as unnatural.

Deeper thoughts: the paradoxical nature or eleutherophobia (fear of freedom), mastering Order to bring back its infantile nature, the necessity to invent/rediscover a biological process/path to get to the Right Order (the path towards it not having the same mechanical/rigid aspects than its end - we wish the evolution resemble its ending, but both evolution and endings are always surprising).

Some art: the beauty made by neural networks:

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