

thoughts on sensations

It is hard to describe the mechanism of sensation, the reasons why we feel: although it's an intermediary, a middleware, between brain parts and Nerve Management, there are circumstances preventing its proper functioning, such as:
- the excess of sensations, like schyzophrenia (or autism?) where one can't do anything as one is drown by common life, at that point one doesn't feel anymore.
- the absence of echo: this one is complex: due to either excess, or chaos, or triviality of sensations, then nothing happens deeper: the mind is played: expects something, there is nothing, so no echo, no vibration, no sensation.
- the brutal superiority of sinic and dictatorial Materiality over human feelings, also called the passing of sensations, dying mingled in a busy life where only materiality prevails. It's chaos over chaos, whereas misxing a thought with a memory with an emotion (the mechanism of feeling) is Magic, and Magic requires at least calm and order.
In the same category: Stress, the insidious and sneaky assassin. Horror, horror.
- the absence of mystery. We have lost secret islands to wonders of world transports, secrets now only exist in Arts and Science, not in life anymore, so we all need to be artists and scientists.
I want to write something optimistic and luminous, about Mornings.

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