

The unending possibilities of new explorations

 Something online talked about a film director moonlighting as a delivery driver.
And some people seem to have unusual hobbies, and time to focus on unusual things, sometimes unnecessarily.
That's all we want.
That's what I want around us: mysteries of hard-to-understand time spent, with the possibility of enlightenment. People to focus on aspects of the world far from commercial products. People doing things we don't expect, motivated by rarity--the interesting function of strangeness.
I want everyone to deviate from the norm in their own selfish obstinate ways.
An ocean of dreamers walking like zombies.
An incineration of material considerations.
Desires of pastures new, static expeditions of weekend explorers. The vision of a thousand reasonable amateurs, ploughing their ways through a materialist world.
People should find ways to mix their obscure interests with their work. Making work obscure, going through tunnels to find new territories. 

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